Some Other Camping Places
Car Camping and Backpacking
- Places to Camp and Backpack (Troop 484 Camping Page)
- Where to go Camping (Yowlumne Lodge camping book)
- Places to Camp and Backpack (Troop 484 Camping Page)
Camp Kern (Summer Camp) - Closed Indefinitely
- Links to other Scout Summer Camps in California
Philmont Scout Ranch (High Adventure Backpacking)
- Northern Tier Canoe Base
- Forida Sea Base (sailing)
- More Scout High Adventure Camps
- Forida Sea Base (sailing)

What to Bring
Need Gear? Click on the links below for ideas on
where to get more equipment!
(scout discount available)
(the Official BSA catalog)

Sharing the Wilds with
Critters, Bugs and Plants

Survival Tips
for the outdoors
Staying Warm and Dry
(to avoid hypothermia)